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ICCR Scholarships for Afghan Students in India
  • Apply Before: Sep-30-2023
11 months ago
ICCR Scholarships for Afghan Students in India

About the ICCR Scholarship:

In 2005, spearheaded by the Prime Minister of India at the time, the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) instituted an annual scholarship program initially comprising 500 scholarships, which was subsequently expanded to 1000, for Afghan nationals. This initiative aimed at fostering a sovereign, stable, and flourishing Afghanistan while promoting regional security and stability by facilitating undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral studies at prominent Indian Universities and Institutions.

In a bid to continue this vital assistance to Afghanistan, it has been resolved that starting from the academic year 2023-24, the ICCR will offer 1000 scholarships to Afghan nationals to pursue online undergraduate and postgraduate courses through the e-VB platform.

Scholarship Details:


- Announcement Date: September 16, 2023

- Application Deadline: September 22, 2023

- Number of Scholarships Available: 1000

- Facilitated by: ICCR

- Degree Programs: Undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral degrees

- Mode of Instruction: Online  

- Fields of Study:

  •  - Business Administration
  •  - Commerce
  •  - Computer Science
  •  - Arts, among others

Application Procedure:

Interested candidates can apply online through the designated Application Portal. 

For further information regarding the application process, please refer to the portal.



 Available Opportunities 

UWC Scholarships for Afghan Student

15000 Russian Government Scholarship

Chevening Scholarship UK

Scholarship End

Job End Time




