CHA, salary scale
3 years


Job Description:

o Conduct quantitative data collection through household assessments to identify protection risks, needs, and vulnerabilities in target communities, including returnees, IDPs, and host communities.


o Facilitate qualitative data collection through key informant interviews (KIIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs) with community members, particularly targeting women, girls, persons with disabilities, and other at-risk groups.


o Monitor protection incidents, record and document any protection concerns, and assist in identifying appropriate responses and advocacy needs.


o Identify individuals or families with specific protection needs and ensure appropriate referrals to specialized services and partners.


o Contribute to the referral system, ensuring the protection needs of vulnerable individuals are addressed promptly.


o Work closely with community leaders and local stakeholders to ensure that protection monitoring activities are well-coordinated and aligned with community needs.


o Support the Community-Based Protection Monitoring (CBPM) network by assisting in the identification of local protection risks and needs.


o Regularly analyze the data collected from the field to provide insights into the protection situation and trends, especially related to vulnerable populations.


o Prepare regular reports on field activities, highlighting emerging issues, responses, and any urgent protection concerns that need to be addressed.


o Ensure that all data is submitted in a timely and accurate manner and contributes to the overall monitoring tools used by the Protection Cluster.


o Assist in multi-sector assessments during emergency situations, such as new displacements or natural disasters, and support inter-agency efforts as needed.


o Collaborate with other protection and humanitarian actors to ensure effective implementation of CBPM activities and cross-sectoral coordination.


o Conducting other tasks assigned by supervisor.



Job Requirements:

• Bachelor’s degree in related field.


• At least 3 years of experience in protection monitoring, field-based data collection, or humanitarian response in Afghanistan.


• Strong understanding of protection issues faced by displaced populations, including refugees, returnees, and IDPs.


• Experience working in field settings, with practical knowledge of qualitative and quantitative data collection methodologies.


• Familiarity with UNHCR and CHA protection guidelines, SOPs, and protection monitoring tools.


• Fluency in Local languages and working knowledge of English is required.


• Strong organizational and communication skills, with the ability to work independently and as part of a team.


• Ability to work under pressure, handle multiple tasks simultaneously, and meet deadlines.


• Experience working in conflict-affected areas and/or remote environments.


• Travel frequently to field center and districts of province.



Jab Location: Badakhshan Baghlan Balkh Faryab Jawzjan Kunduz Samangan Sar-e Pol Takhar





Submission Guideline:

Interested and qualified candidates should send us their information using the link below.




for more information please contact to this number: 0729128549



Submission Email:

Please use the above link in the Submission Guideline sectio


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