TFU Nurse (Maternity Cover) (Local Recruitment)
1 day ago
AAH Salary Scale
1 Years

Job Description:



Apply medical and nutritional protocols to ensure the care of the patients in nutrition centres. Provide nursing care, treatment and follow-up for children suffering from severe malnutrition, according to national protocols, universal hygienic standards and other procedures, in order to ensure a good delivery of care and improve their nutritional conditions





Objective 1: Providing preventive and curative health care to SC admitted patients


Admission of children:


Understanding and applying the SC admission criteria


In collaboration with the nutrition worker:


Measuring the children’s, detecting presence of oedemas

Calculating weight/height percentages

Identifying the degree and types of malnutrition

Noting admissions in the register with all the requested information

Informing mothers of the results

Drawing up nutritional surveillance forms and milk cards for the children

Tracing the children’s weight-target line and noting their temperatures

Administering treatment prescripte after medical consultation

Checking the children’s vaccination status, referring them to the vaccination station if necessary

Explaining to mothers what the hospitalization involves: giving advice if required

Medical follow up


Ensuring medical parameters are taken (temperature, heart and respiratory rate, weight, weight/height accordance, presence of oedemas, etc.) following the protocols in use, noting the results on the corresponding forms in the patients’ files

Taking part in the daily medical round and noting changes in prescription according to the patients’ state

Checking the prescriptions are signed and dated

Distributing treatments according to individual medical prescriptions. Following the doses, administration methods and times and signaling any problems

Ticking off and counter-signing treatments taken in the medical files

Ensuring external care and dressings, referring the children for complementary examinations if required

Following the rules of hygiene and asepsis during the delivery of all health care (washing hands, sorting waste, what to do in the case of accidental blood exposure, etc.)

Detecting all anomalies in the children’s health and behavior, providing first aid whilst waiting for a doctor to arrive

Nutritional follow up (in collaboration with the nutrition worker)


Inserting naso-gastric tube for feeding, responsible of checking the good position before feeding, evaluating and notifying any complications

Establishing the children’s food ration according to their weight and degree of malnutrition

Informing mothers about the importance of meals

Informing mothers about the children’s diets and the number and frequency of meals

Encouraging mothers to continue breast feeding during the hospitalization

Inciting mothers to give the children liquid intake

With the nutrition worker, being present and ensuring that the children eat all their meals correctly

Noting the quantities absorbed and any identified problems (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.)

Watching over the weight curves

Ensuring the children’s correct and regular growth by examining their weight curves

Identifying all anomalies in the curves and informing the doctor in the case of weight loss

Organizing daily information and education sessions in the SC

Leaving the SC


Managing the children’s exits according to the criteria set out in the protocol and after medical agreement

Measuring the children’s brachial perimeters

Weighing and measuring the children to calculate weight/height associations

Checking that oedemas have disappeared

Reporting all this information on the follow up forms and noting the exits in the register

Providing handover note on each team changeover

Informing mothers of measures to be taken and giving them nutritional advice adapted to the state of their children



Objective 2: Managing the premises, medicines and medical equipment


Being responsible for the material used

Ensuring the follow up of medicine consumption during the inpatient phase, drawing up an order with the supervisor if needed

Handing over the pharmacy and consumable medical equipment on each team changeover

Prepare Oral Rehydration Solution on a daily basis, following the rules for doses, dilution and storage conditions

Ensuring the cleanliness of the premises and work surfaces



Objective 3. Communication and teamwork


Introduce yourself to each patient, be polite.

Explain how to take any treatment prescribed and the importance of following them correctly.

Respect medical confidentiality at all times

Working in collaboration with the medical and paramedical team

Being responsible for the correct execution of tasks by the team under his supervision

Organizing and managing training sessions if required

Ensuring written and oral handovers within the team and between the teams

Participating in departmental meetings and on-going training sessions

Referring to the SC HoP/ Health Officer in the case of any problems

Use language that the translator can understand

Ensure good communication with the team

Report problems encountered in the centre or within the team to the SC PM

Propose solution to solve any problem faced and report them to the SC PM



Objective 4: Recording and Reporting


Being responsible for the correct upkeep of registers and hospitalization forms

Participating in daily data collection (number of admissions and exists, morbidity, etc.)

Participating in the calculation and analysis of weekly statistics (calculating weight gain, length of stay, etc.) in collaboration with the Health Officer and the SC PM

Reacting as necessary according to the results

Follow clearly appropriate protocols and guidelines - National.

Participate in the weekly/ monthly reporting of TFU activities

Support organization of transfer if needed (transport, paper…)

Job Requirements:



Nurse Graduated degree

At least one year experience on nutrition, paediatric activities,

Humanitarian spirit

Good organization,

Interpersonal and communication skills

Good team interaction and positive attitude

fluent in Local language(Pashto Language is essential)

priority is giving to local (Field Staff)

Submission Guideline:

Qualified and interested candidates should submit a cover letter and full CV with three Referees indicating the vacancy announcement to the address:



Human Resources Department AAH office


or can also be emailed to: indicating the job tile and vacancy number of the position in the email subject line.


Eligible candidates are invited to apply by the earliest possible, until 17 Mar 2025.


Do not submit academic certificates with the application. These will be requested if the candidate is selected. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the written test/interview.


Action Against Hunger/Action Conter La Faim is an equal opportunity employer. We strongly encourage women and people with disabilities to apply. ACF/AAH has zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, and abuse (SEA).


Submission Email: