About Us

The Afghanistan National Re-Construction Coordination (ANCC) is a professionally managed, Afghan non-governmental, non-political, and nonprofit organization focused on development. Established in 1994, it aimed to address the urgent needs of vulnerable Afghan refugees and internally displaced families during the civil war and following the Soviet invasion and troop withdrawal in the early 1990s. Initially registered with the UN coordination body for Afghanistan in Pakistan, ANCC is now officially registered with the Ministry of Economy under registration number 117. The organization primarily focuses on community development using participatory approaches.


ANCC's main office is located in Kabul, with a regional office in Kandahar. To ensure effective project implementation and outreach, it also has provincial offices in TarinKot (Uruzgan), Zaranj (Nimroz), Qalat (Zabul), Lashkergah (Helmand), Farah, Gardez (Paktia), and Jalalabad (Nangarhar), along with branch offices in various districts of Nimroz, Uruzgan, Helmand, Ghazni, Farah, Zabul, Paktia, Nangarhar, and Kandahar. The organization has a team of experienced staff familiar with local cultures, social norms, and maintains strong relationships with community members, including tribal elders, local councils (Shuras), and government authorities.