1 week ago
250 - 350
4 Years

Job Description:



The Provincial Community Mobilizer leads the community outreach and learner recruitment efforts across the province. As the key focal point at provincial level, the PCM ensures that the project reaches the intended beneficiaries by guiding district-level mobilization, engaging with local authorities and communities, and overseeing the establishment of classes. The PCM plays a critical role in meeting enrollment targets and maintaining community support for the SBL program, acting as a bridge between the provincial stakeholders and the project’s central management.


Key Responsibilities:


Community Outreach Strategy: Develop and implement a provincial mobilization plan to reach eligible youth and adult learners (15 years and above, with focus on women and girls previously excluded from education) in all target districts (Annex 1_Terms of Reference .docx). Set enrollment targets per district in line with project goals and ensure strategies are in place to enroll approximately the allocated share of the 21,000 learners in the province (Annex 1_Terms of Reference .docx).

Supervise District Mobilization: Guide and supervise District Community Mobilizers (DCMs) in mapping communities, identifying eligible learners, and enrolling them based on criteria agreed with UNESCO (Annex 1_Terms of Reference .docx) (e.g., vulnerability, illiteracy status). Provide tools and training to DCMs for household surveys or community consultations, and ensure consistent application of selection criteria across districts.

Liaison with Authorities: Engage with provincial and district-level authorities, including Provincial Education Department (PED) officials and local De-Facto Authorities, to obtain necessary approvals and maintain support for project activities (Annex 1_Terms of Reference .docx). This includes facilitating the signing of Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) or official letters as required to operate literacy classes in the communities.

Stakeholder Coordination: Introduce the SBL programme to community elders, shuras, and influential leaders in each district. Organize provincial-level stakeholder meetings or shuras to discuss the programme, ensure community buy-in, and address any cultural or security concerns that might affect learner participation (especially for female learners).

Support Formation of Learning Spaces: Oversee the identification or establishment of safe learning spaces in each community. Work with DCMs and community leaders to utilize community facilities or spaces offered by facilitators for classes (Annex 1_Terms of Reference .docx). Ensure each class location is accessible to women and meets basic conditions (safety, privacy, permission from owners).

Establish Village Literacy Committees: For each village or community hosting an SBL class, assist in setting up a Village Literacy Committee (VLC) comprising local volunteers/elders, as a support structure for the class (Annex 1_Terms of Reference .docx). Provide these committees with a clear orientation on their role (monitoring attendance, encouraging learners, resolving community issues) and maintain communication with them throughout the project.

Distribution Coordination: Coordinate the distribution of teaching and learning materials (textbooks, notebooks, stationery) and any vocational toolkits or winterization supplies to each class in the province. Work with the Field Coordination Officer and DCMs to schedule distributions and monitor that all materials reach the intended learners and facilitators (Annex 1_Terms of Reference .docx). Verify distribution by collecting delivery acknowledgments (signatures or stamps from facilitators/VLCs) for project records.

Monitoring & Support Visits: Conduct regular visits to districts and randomly attend class sessions to monitor implementation. During visits, verify that classes have commenced on time, facilitators are present and teaching effectively, and that learner attendance is consistent. Address any issues on the spot where possible (e.g., community disputes, facilitator absenteeism) and report serious problems to the Program Manager.

Problem Resolution: Assist DCMs in resolving barriers to participation, such as convincing hesitant families to allow women to attend, or mediating when community issues (like use of space or timing of classes) arise. Leverage the authority of local leaders or the VLCs as needed to maintain smooth operations.

Reporting: Compile comprehensive provincial reports on mobilization and class status. This includes maintaining an updated list of all classes and enrolled learners in the province, aggregated statistics (disaggregated by gender), and qualitative updates on community engagement. Submit monthly progress reports to the Program Manager, highlighting achievements (e.g., enrollment numbers, success stories) and any challenges or risks at the community level.



Expected Deliverables:


Enrollment Targets Achieved: Enrollment of the planned number of learners in the province, with documentation (approved lists of learners per class including names, ages, gender, and selection criteria) to show that approximately 21,000 learners (70% female across the project) are reached, apportioned by province (Annex 1_Terms of Reference .docx). Each class’s enrollment meets the criteria and capacity (e.g., ~15-25 learners per class as defined by the project).

Functional Village Literacy Committees: Established VLCs in each community, evidenced by a list of committee members per class and at least one meeting minute or report from each committee during the project. Committees are actively supporting classes (confirmed by feedback or attendance records of committee members visiting classes).

Material Distribution Records: Province-wide log of all materials and toolkits distributed, with signatures from recipients (facilitators or committee representatives) confirming receipt (Annex 1_Terms of Reference .docx). No class is without the necessary materials due to distribution failures.

Monthly Provincial Report: A written report every month covering: number of classes operational, total learners enrolled vs. target, attendance rates, gender breakdown, notable community mobilization activities, problems encountered and solutions implemented. These reports should be submitted on time and be of sufficient quality to be included in the overall project report.

Stakeholder Engagement Documentation: Copies of any MoUs with provincial authorities, letters of support, or meeting minutes with stakeholders. By project end, there should be documented evidence of sustained engagement (e.g., a closing meeting or endorsement from provincial authorities acknowledging the programme’s impact).

End-of-Project Provincial Summary: A final summary of the provincial implementation, including overall enrollment and completion figures, an assessment of community engagement success, and recommendations for future community mobilization in similar projects.

Job Requirements:

Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences, Education, Community Development, or a related field.

Experience: Minimum of 4 years of experience in community mobilization or grassroots development work in Afghanistan. This should include experience in organizing community groups, running outreach or awareness campaigns, or managing local education/health initiatives. Prior experience leading a team of field staff is an advantage.

Proven ability to work with community power structures and traditional leaders. The candidate should have experience working at the provincial and district level with local authorities and communities, demonstrating diplomacy and cultural sensitivity.

Strong leadership and team management skills to supervise and motivate District Community Mobilizers scattered across multiple districts.

Excellent communication and negotiation skills. Capable of delivering presentations in community meetings and mediating conflicts or disagreements if they arise.

Organizational skills to handle multiple tasks across the province – from planning enrollments to coordinating distributions – and ensure none are neglected.

Language Proficiency: Fluency in Dari and/or Pashto (as relevant to the province) for all verbal and written communications; basic proficiency in English is preferred for reporting to Kabul.

Familiarity with the province of assignment (cultural context, geography, security considerations) is highly desirable, as is prior work in the same province or region.

Commitment to the project’s objectives of gender inclusion and literacy, and ability to encourage female participation in conservative settings.


Jab Location: Baghlan Bamian Ghowr Kunduz Nuristan Samangan




Submission Guideline:

Interested candidates should submit their applications (CV, Tazkera & Educational documents) by e-mail or in writing (marked confidential and clearly indicating on the sealed envelope the vacancy announcement number) to:


House# 10, Left Lane 02, Street 13, Wazir Akbar Khan, Kabul, Afghanistan.


Email address: hr@dwsso.org


Phone: 0799 149 513




Submission Email:
