Field Monitoring Assistant (FMA)
1 month ago
Competitive, performance-based compensation (monthly)
5 years

Job Description:

ARM Consulting is seeking experienced and dynamic Field Monitoring Associates (FMA) to support the implementation of a multi-year monitoring contract. Successful candidates will be key in planning, coordinating, and conducting monitoring missions at the district and village levels across all 34 provinces.


Specific Duties and Responsibilities


Implement monitoring plans through scheduled field visits and spot checks, including capturing and analyzing data in a timely and accurate manner, conducting some qualitative assessments on a sample of sites, and reporting information to the relevant supervisor. Field visits shall include taking date-stamped digital record photographs where appropriate for each location;

Undertake field monitoring visits during beneficiaries’ selection through implementing partners at the village level and ensure the agreed criteria and humanitarian principles are in place and adhered to during the beneficiary selection process;

Undertake monitoring at the inputs and cash distribution venues and ensure agreed and proper mechanisms are in place throughout the process;

Carry out post-distribution monitoring to ensure beneficiaries are properly using the inputs and following the technical knowledge received from implementing partners;

Undertake monitoring from training sessions periodically at the community and district level conducted by implementing partners;

Undertake monitoring of adherence to environmental and social safeguards, including gender aspects, at the community level during the implementation of humanitarian response activities (for example, various emergency livelihood assistance packages, cash-for-work activities, irrigation and water management activities, and other small to medium-term resilience building activities) at the community level.

Community-level monitoring of the cash-for-work (CFW) / irrigation restoration works done by the humanitarian agency along with partners through frequent site visits and undertaking process, safety, and site management procedures (attendance sheets, equipment, Covid-19 protocols, sun-sheds, drinking water, and such), and if possible, when field monitoring associates have an engineering background, technically monitoring the irrigation rehabilitation activities and most important in gabion sheet weaving through wages by women;

Community-level monitoring of all the emergency assistance packages (wheat cultivation package, livestock protection package, home gardening package, backyard poultry package, cash for work, unconditional cash transfer, small farm equipment, and summer crop seed package) distribution at the distribution sites as well as monitoring in terms of the appropriate intended usage of these assistance packages at household and community levels in the project areas;

Conduct periodic monitoring of third-party monitoring contractor surveys on the village level and ensure that accurate and independent data is collected by relevant enumerators;

Attend ToT in regional offices to understand the nature of emergency and resilience projects and the technical aspects of various inputs/interventions;

Conduct ad-hoc meetings and interviews with different stakeholders – community elders and other relevant entities on the district level and share meeting minutes with the Regional Office (at the province level) and the MEAL unit in Kabul;

Provide regular reports after each field visit to the Regional Office at the province level and the MEAL unit through Kobo Toolbox and/or paper-based as applicable;

Any other tasks assigned.


Job Requirements:

Please ONLY apply if you meet the following requirements:


Bachelor's degree in agriculture preferred. Individuals with a background in civil engineering, economics, and business administration could be considered but must have multi-year experience in M&E and data collection in the agriculture sector;

Five years of experience in the development sector of Afghanistan with a particular focus on data collection and M&E;

Couples are highly encouraged to apply;

Fluency in spoken and written English;

Ability to use Kobo Toolbox, Open Data Kit (ODK), Survey CTO, and other similar data collection tools;

Must be residing in provinces where the duty station will be based;

Ability to write high-quality monitoring reports;



Jab Location: Badakhshan Badghis Baghlan Balkh Bamian Daikondi Farah Faryab Ghazni Ghowr Helmand Herat Jawzjan Kabul Kandahar Kapisa Khost Kunar Kunduz Laghman Logar Nangarhar Nimruz Nuristan Oruzgan Paktia Panjshir Parwan Samangan Sar-e Pol Takhar Maidan Wardak Zabul Paktika





Submission Guideline:

Please submit your CV (Word Format Only) and supporting documents using the link below. Anyone found with fake or forged documents will be automatically disqualified.


Please list all trainings or workshops you have attended during your career in your CV.




Submission Email:

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